Drop Shadow

Drop Shadow

CSS drop shadows are a popular design technique used to add depth, dimension, and realism to elements on webpages. They provide a visually appealing effect that can make elements appear as if they are floating above the page or casting shadows on other elements.

With the introduction of the drop-shadow property in CSS, creating realistic drop shadows has become easier than ever. In this article, we will explore the drop-shadow property in detail, covering its usage, syntax, effects, and best practices.

What is drop-shadow?

drop-shadow is a CSS property that allows you to create a shadow that takes into account the transparency of an element and its content. It is part of the filter property, which is used to apply visual effects to elements on webpages. drop-shadow specifically applies a shadow effect to an element, simulating the effect of a light source casting a shadow.

Unlike the traditional box-shadow property, which creates simple, flat shadows directly attached to the element, drop-shadow creates more realistic shadows that interact with the underlying content or background. This makes it particularly useful for elements with transparency, such as images or elements with partially transparent backgrounds.

Syntax of drop-shadow

The syntax for drop-shadow is as follows:

element {
filter: drop-shadow(h-shadow v-shadow blur color);


  • h-shadow represents the horizontal offset of the shadow. It can be a positive or negative value, specifying the distance of the shadow from the element horizontally.
  • v-shadow represents the vertical offset of the shadow. It can be a positive or negative value, specifying the distance of the shadow from the element vertically.
  • blur represents the blur radius of the shadow. It determines the amount of blur applied to the shadow. A larger value will result in a more blurred shadow, while a smaller value will produce a sharper shadow.
  • color represents the color and opacity of the shadow. It can be specified using standard CSS color values, such as hexadecimal, RGB, or RGBA values.

For example, the following code will create a drop shadow with a horizontal offset of 2 pixels, a vertical offset of 2 pixels, a blur radius of 4 pixels, and a color of rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3):

.image {
filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3));

This will apply a drop shadow to the .image element, giving it a realistic shadow that takes into account its transparency and interacts with the content or background behind it.

Effects of drop-shadow

The drop-shadow property can be used to achieve various visual effects on elements. Some of the common effects that can be achieved with drop-shadow are:

Realistic shadows

drop-shadow is ideal for creating realistic shadows, especially for images or elements with transparency. By specifying the horizontal and vertical offsets, blur radius, and color, you can create shadows that mimic the effect of a light source casting a shadow on the element, giving it a more three-dimensional appearance.

Floating or elevated elements

By applying a drop shadow with positive horizontal and vertical offsets, you can create the illusion of an element floating above the page or being elevated from the surface. This can be useful for creating visual hierarchy and emphasizing certain elements on the page.

Overlaying shadows

You can use drop-shadow to overlay multiple

.text {
filter: drop-shadow(2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3))
drop-shadow(-2px -2px 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3));

In this example, we’re applying multiple drop shadows to a text element. The first drop-shadow creates a shadow that appears to the bottom-right of the text with a black color and 0.3 opacity. The second drop-shadow creates a shadow that appears to the top-left of the text with a white color and 0.3 opacity. By chaining multiple drop-shadow values together, we can create complex shadow effects.

Inset Drop Shadow

.button {
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) inset);

In this example, we’re applying an inset drop shadow to a button element. The inset keyword is used to specify that the shadow should

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